• 08.00 s/d 20.45

Wednesday & Friday, 21 & 23 September, 2022

Time :  01.30 - 05.00 PM (Indonesia Time)

Culture Exchange: "Let's Get to Know Each Other's Countries”

Organized by the University of Computer Science & Technology (STEKOM), in collaboration with 15 Universities Around the World

Day 1: Introducing Tourists: Culture and Culinary You Would Like to Recommend to Foreigners

Day 2: Introducing Pop Culture in Your Home Country, Music, Film or Drama

Opening Speech: Dr. Joseph Teguh Santoso (Rector STEKOM University)

Represented by STEKOM University:

Day 1:  Rajeshveri (Student of STEKOM University - Information System Department)

Day 2: Joseflim Marchel (Student of STEKOM University - Technic Information Department)

Represented by Lecturer

Day 1: Woon Wai Cheong (Language Teacher from University Putra Malaysia)

Day 2: Wibi Ardi Alvianto, M.Pd. (Lecturer of Graphic Design Department from STEKOM University)

Host : 

- Anggi Novita Sari (Student of STEKOM University - Business Department)

- Azka Nahya Amanta (Student of STEKOM University - Information System Department)


Live Zoom: https://bit.ly/zoom-culturexchange

Meeting ID: 839 3480 8630 Passcode: STEKOM

Live YouTube: https://bit.ly/live-curturexchange

Benefits: be awarded a certificate verification by verifikasi.me

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